Politični program / Reforma Evropske Unije

Institucionalna reforma EU

The EU has delivered remarkable achievements, but in our view it is in urgent need of taking its next steps.

Stavba Evropske komisije Kopiraj (Guillaume-Perigois/unsplash

The European Union is our common project, built over decades to ensure peaceful coexistence and economic prosperity. Volt was born after the Brexit referendum in a first crisis of questioning European integration and cooperation across borders. Eurosceptic and nationalist movements are continuing to grow across Europe and beyond, so Volt today is more important than ever. We are now over 30.000 members with deputies in the European parliament and in first national parliaments. We have come together to reaffirm the strength of the European project and our faith in a common future. Volt offers citizens a new vision of Europe that unites our common goals and overcomes our common weaknesses. 

We are the first pan-European party with a common programme across 30 countries, and, as you have probably noticed, we love Europe and the European Union immensely. This does not mean that we consider the European Union from perfect. Far from it, it is perfect for national parties who do not want to continue growing closer together. The EU has delivered remarkable achievements, but in our view it is in urgent need of taking its next steps. In our vision, we want to make the European Union more democratic, transparent and efficient. We will transform the European Union into a community that can compete successfully with the pressures of the other superpowers and ensure that we European countries remain competitive and secure in an increasingly unpredictable world. 

Here is a summary of our ideas for a stronger and more democratic Europe: 

European Institutions

  • Introduce the right of legislative initiative for the European parliament - the only parliament in the world that cannot propose laws  - and the only European institution that is elected by its people and thus should have every right to propose legislation.

  • Abolish the member state veto in favour of a qualified or super-qualified majority (60% of member states representing 60% of the population) to stop member states using their veto to block, slow down or hold the EU hostage in critical situations.

  • Initiate the process of a European Constitution by the Parliament to replace exiting EU treats and detail the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens and the institutional set-up of the EU.

  • Create a European Ministry of Economic affairs and finance, who represents the EU on international level (such as the International Monetary Fund) and who directly reports to the European Parliament.

Alignment with national legislation

  • Align European and national legislation cycles in order to reduce the time from adoption on EU level to implementation in national legislation.

Citizen Participation

  • Reduce the size of European Citizen Initiatives (ECI) from 1 million to 500.000 signatures to give citizens more of a say and input on the political agenda of European Institutions.

  • Elect a president of the European Union directly by the citizens with a symbolic role similar to the current President of the Republic of Slovenia, while the president of the European Commission, the European government, should be elected through the Spitzenkandidatenprocess by the European Parliament.

(XXX old text XXX)

Pravica do zakonodajne pobude Evropskega parlamenta

Evropski parlament, v nasprotju s Slovenskim, trenutno ne more predlagati novih zakonov. Parlament, ki je direktno izvoljen s strani ljudstva je najbolj primeren za predlaganje zakonov, ki so v interesu slednjega ljudstva. Zato predlagamo razširitev zakonodajne pobude na Evropski parlament.

Nadomestitev Veta držav članic

Trenutni sistem nacionalnega veta je slabo zasnovan. Zaradi njega lahko ena sama članica izsiljuje celoten blok in upočasni delovanje celotne unije v kritičnih trenutkih (npr.  Madžarska). 

Poleg tega povprečni EU zakon, od predloga do sprejema potrebuje več kot leto dni. To zniža konkurenčnost unije v primerjavi z ostalimi državami, kar je lahko za naš nadaljnji razvoj usodno.    

Sistem bi nadomestili s sistemom kvalificirane večine, v katerem mora za vsak zakon v Svetu Evropske Unije glasovati 60 % držav članic, ki imajo skupno 60 % prebivalstva.

Evropski referendum s 500.000 podpisi

Evropskim državljanom želimo ponuditi možnost pri soodločanju o Evropski prihodnosti. Evropski referendumi, ki bi jih lahko državljani sprožili s 500.000 podpisi bi povečali splošno stopnjo demokracije v Uniji.

Uvedba evropske ustave

Volt podpira uvedbo evropske ustave. Ta bi nadomestila obstoječe pogodbe EU in podrobno uredila temeljne pravice in obveznosti državljanov ter institucionalno ureditev EU. Ustava bi bila lažje berljiva in razumljiva za evropske državljane.

Predsednik/ca Evropske unije

Predlagamo ustanovitev položaja evropskega predsednika/ce, ki bo direktno izvoljen/a s strani državljanov. Predsednik/ca bo v času miru zadolžen s večinoma simbolično vlogo in imel podobne zadolžitve kot trenutni predsednik RS, a kljub temu delovala kot glavni predstavnik unije v diplomatskem svetu. Prav tako bo vloga služila kot simbol direktne demokracije v uniji.

Ustanovitev položaja ministra za gospodarstvo in finance na ravni EU

Novi minister bo poročal Evropskemu parlamentu in zastopal Evropo v gospodarskih zadevah na mednarodni ravni, na primer v Mednarodnem denarnem skladu. Pomembno je, da bo to ministrsko mesto vseevropsko in ne bo omejeno na evroobmočje.

Europe needs you

If not now, then when?

5+1 Izzivov

Volt je identificiral 5+1 fundamentalnih izzivov s katerimi se mora soočiti Evropska Unija

To je center našega strankarskega programa na Evropskem nivoju; politika ki vodi programsko razmišljanje v vseh 30 državah v katerih smo prisotni.

Poglej si še druge ideje
  • 01

    Pametna država

    Izobrazba in digitalizacija sta ključna elementa 21. stoletja.

  • 02

    Ekonomska renesansa

    Inovativna ekonomija je ključ do družbenega uspeha.

  • 03

    Socialna enkakopravnost

    Nikogar ne smemo pustiti za seboj - ne glede na njihovo raso, religijo ali spol.

  • 04

    Svetovno ravnovesje

    Naj gre za azil in priseljevanje ali varovanje okolja – Evropa mora postati akter.

  • 05

    Demokratizacija družbe

    Ljudje morajo imeti možnost vplivati na politiko tudi v času med volitvami.

  • +1

    Reforma Evropske Unije

    Obožujemo Evropo, a to ne pomeni, da ni prostora za izboljšavo in nujno potrebno reformo.